Ultra copper

Ultra copper


Ultra copper is a mod that changes how the metals in the game work, and also adds more content to copper, because it wasn't very used.

Soiled raw metals

Now, when you mine copper, gold or iron ores(including deepslate variants) youwill get a soiled raw metal item. This is affected by fortune and silk touch. Before smelting them, you'll have to clean them using one of 3 ways:

-In the inventory, using a watter bottle.

-With the soiled raw metal in the offhand and a copper brush in the main hand, right click.

-Clicking a cauldron that contains water.

This will produce normal raw ores that you can smelt.

Less nuggets per ingot

You now only need 6 nuggets to craft an ingot.

Oxidized copper ingots

They can be obtained uncrafting the oxidized copper blocks. Available in all stages. They are used to craft oxidized tools, still usable.

Copper wrench

They can rotate redstone components like observers, repeaters, comparators and even command blocks. They are disponible in 2 oxidizing stages: normal and oxidized.

Copper brush

Used to clean soiled raw ores. Disponible in two oxidizing stages: normal and oxidized.

Copper knife

Fast weapons disponible in 4 oxidizing stages. The first ones deal more damage, but don't have chance to produce infection. The more oxidized, the more chances it has to produce infection, a status effect that deaals damage.

Poisoned knife

Single use. Crafted using a completely oxidized knife and spider eyes. They produce poison, have a chance to produce infection, nausea or blindness. Assasains weapon.

Copper spear

Throwable item. Has a lot of knockback.

Weathered enchantment

For pickaxes. Incopatible with unbreaking. Levels from I-III. It has a chance of dropping a copper nugget when mining stone.