A FabricMC mod for Minecraft 20w14a that restores zero-tick farms (that were patched in 20w12a).
- Get the latest release from the releases page
- Place into the "mods" folder on your Fabric server. This is a server-only mod, clients do not have to install it.
As of v1.0.9, you can configure the mod in config/unpatch-zero-tick-farms.json
as such:
"isZeroTickUnpatchEnabled": true, // Master switch to enable/disable the mod, default: true (enabled)
"isBambooZeroTickEnabled": true, // Master switch to enable/disable zero ticking on Bamboo, default: true (enabled)
"isCactusZeroTickEnabled": true, // Master switch to enable/disable zero ticking on Cactus, default: true (enabled)
"isChorusFlowerZeroTickEnabled": true, // Master switch to enable/disable zero ticking on Chorus Flower, default: true (enabled)
"isSugarCaneZeroTickEnabled": true, // Master switch to enable/disable zero ticking on Sugarcane, default: true (enabled)
"isVinesZeroTickEnabled": true // Master switch to enable/disable zero ticking on Vines, default: true (enabled)