Uncraftable Crafting

Uncraftable Crafting


What can you craft?

With this mod you can craft: Music Discs, Bedrock, Name Tags, Endportal Frames, the Elytra, Mycelium, Gras and your favourite: Cobwebs.

Is this mod useful for your everyday Minecraft?

Definetly not, this is just a fun mod and for testing purposes. But maybe you want to decorate your survivial house with cobwebs, or don't want to wait till a skeleton shoots a creeper, or study a dragon egg, or...

You see, you can only use it for aesthetics (well, except the elytra).

Will the mod be updated?

As I said, this is just for testing purposes. If you want to make a real mod out of this, here's the guthub URL: https://github.com/Keheck/Uncraftable-Crafting . I will only update to mod to the latest Minecraft version, but I won't do any new recipes.

Wich mods are recommented?

Definetly NotEnoughItems, download it here: http://chickenbones.net/Pages/links.html

You need NEI for the UCC version, JEI for the UCC version and CodeChikenLib for the UCC to install NotEnoughItems correctly.