Undead Bees

Undead Bees


Undead Bees Mod Adds: Undead Bee, Rotten Honeycomb, Bees and Lightning Item.

this is a the mobs and items works.

Magmalium has are approved

Know this happens this mod...



HP: 10

This Bees has struck by lightning with transform the undead bees.

Adds the Bees has the drops Honeycombs.

Undead Bee:

HP: 10

this Bee attacks bees, players, villagers and golems.

undead version spawning the dungeons.


Rotten Honeycomb: [type of Food]

you can eaten like rotten flesh drops by zombies,

and so far the drops the zombie bees.

 Lightning Bolt Item: [type of Item]

Hit the Entity and spawns lightning bolts.

this Object has spawning lightning bolts of ever.

and Now has the New Longer has the downloads and Images has not long

the has the minecraft 1.15.2 updated from minecraft world,

Upcoming Next Update!


Magma Bee:

HP: 12

Magma Bees likes Lava Version of the Bee, and drops magma fleshes

has the Hostile, Water has collides has turn the Obsidian Bee.

Obsidian Bee:

HP: 12

Obsidian Bees has the turn by Magma Bee, and drops obsidian

has the Friendly Bee, not Attacks.

Beeper: [Warning, exploding like creeper!]

HP: 15

this bees has explode like a creeper, finally has so bad,

not massive creature of ever see this thing.

Queen Bee: [MiniBoss]

HP: 120 [Mini Boss]

Queen Bee spawning Hostile Bees, has the not anything this boss

ever seen this mini boss has not adds the minecraft 1.15.2

Hostile Bee:

HP: 10

has this guard from queen bee boss ever seen? any thing not every single bees.

has brand new bee has attack you.

Sunflower Giver:

HP: No Damage?

this has the not damage single bees, give you has the sunflower

the tame, the tamed bees and has the mobs all attack


Magma Flesh: [Type of Food]

Drops by Magma Bee, Repice has the working.

the Repice has works, this is a Magma Flesh plus Soups Crafts Magma Flesh Soup.

Unbreakable Magma Flesh: [Type of Item?!?]

has this second version has unbreakable version?!? what?!? this has not eatable

food of ever, this is a unbreakable food, not this fun this food?

Magma Flesh Soup: [Type of Food]

This soups give you fire resistance.

you have a swim in the lava.

Honey Powder: [Type of Item]

it's a honey likes powder ever seen? i what this is a this item ever seen.

this has drops a by beepers, has the ever seen this mob has.

Summoning Bee Wand: [Type of Item]

summoning your bees and has tamable bees, do not this thing ever seen.

this has wand of type of bees and summoning bee pets

Queen Wand: [Type of Item: Summons Miniboss]

summons the miniboss the queen bee and has the miniboss, any version?

this has the miniboss spawn the wand and has battle


Rotten Honey Block:

has the Replaces likes Honey Blocks,

far the make it this block, what the heck.

Honey Powder Block:

a massive block of honey powder, a drops honey powder

a this block has in the honey powder of the version of the block.