Compatibility with Advanced Combat
48004800 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
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The problem that lightsaber cannot be enchanted last time has been solved
But I found that players cannot use items in advanced combat mod to enchant lightsabers
So I can only enchant Sharpness 10 without loading this MOD
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It's my fault, but I can't really do anything about it on my end unfortunately (without like dedicated mod compat which is overkill for this).
But the dev of Advanced Combat can make a minor change to make both mods compatible. In their EnchantUpgradeClass
they need to replace EnchantingSubjectItemStack.canApplyAtEnchantingTable(this.applyEnchantment)
with this.applyEnchantment.canApplyAtEnchantingTable(EnchantingSubjectItemStack)
twice. Nothing will change regarding the functionality of their mod, it's just going to be compatible with Universal Enchants as this allows my mixin to apply properly.
Would be nice if you could talk to them and suggest implementing this small tweak, thanks.
It's my fault, but I can't really do anything about it on my end unfortunately (without like dedicated mod compat which is overkill for this).
But the dev of Advanced Combat can make a minor change to make both mods compatible. In their
they need to replaceEnchantingSubjectItemStack.canApplyAtEnchantingTable(this.applyEnchantment)
twice. Nothing will change regarding the functionality of their mod, it's just going to be compatible with Universal Enchants as this allows my mixin to apply properly.Would be nice if you could talk to them and suggest implementing this small tweak, thanks.
I have already told him
Can someone explain this issue with some more detail? not sure what the problem is here.
Can someone explain this issue with some more detail? not sure what the problem is here.
Using these two MODs at the same time will make the lightsaber unable to be enchanted by the props in advanced combat
The suggested fix doesn't work and neither does anything else I've tried, I don't know what to do to fix it but I don't have the time to look into it until next week.
The suggested fix doesn't work and neither does anything else I've tried, I don't know what to do to fix it but I don't have the time to look into it until next week.
Have you set allow_mod_item_support
to true
in the server config of Universal Enchants? Otherwise it will indeed not work.
If you would publish your code on GitHub I'd be happy to just make a PR.
Fixed the issue, also needed to delete the config folder. Posted for all Forge versions. Thanks for the help.
48004800 this version will work for your needs after curseforge approval: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/advanced-combat-revitalized/files/3993059