- 3
[Bug]: Server Configs are loaded wonky.
#75 opened by Pop000100 - 1
[Bug]: Compatibility problem with Just Enough Resources
#63 opened by SiverDX - 1
[Bug]: modded enchants not taking effect
#64 opened by GreenForzeGaming - 0
[Suggestion]: Toggle Menu
#65 opened by SiDjackWasTaken - 0
[Bug]: Config called too early
#66 opened by SiverDX - 0
Incompatibility with Truly Modular
#67 opened by Smartin-b - 1
[Suggestion]: updates for 1.20.2?
#68 opened by ajaxnotmeta - 1
Adding an enchantment level limit for certain items or enchantment combinations.
#69 opened by xelotex - 2
[Suggestion]: Multishot on bows should spread arrows like on Crossbow
#70 opened by NeuTraLZero - 0
[Suggestion]: 1.20.2
#71 opened by melvinms - 0
[Crash]: Adding Mending to items crashes the game.
#74 opened by Gbergz - 0
[Crash]: Incompatible with Mana and Artifice
#72 opened by N-Wither - 1
[Crash]: trying to combine a crystal pickaxe with a fortune 3 book
#73 opened by MKALJANABY - 1
[Suggestion]: Knockback on other Tools
#43 opened by K-Proj - 1
[Bug]: Pickaxes can't be enchanted with Fire Aspect
#45 opened by yumm-dev - 0
1.19.4 (Forge) Version?
#44 opened by Aetrnl94 - 0
[Suggestion]: More enchantment compatibilities
#46 opened by Telezhka-the-First - 1
[Suggestion]: Allow blacklisting on enchants
#47 opened by Dekamir - 1
[Suggestion]: Maybe a change or maybe an intentionally tweaked mechanic
#48 opened by esuqe - 0
[Crash]: while hitting a Quark Ore Tortoise with a pickaxe (probably incompatible with better combat)
#49 opened by HerrBeef - 0
[Suggestion]: Compatibility with Quark`s Runes for Horse Armor
#50 opened by BlackWarrior2004 - 3
[Bug]: Thorns is always enabled for Armor regardless of config
#51 opened by Dekamir - 1
#52 opened by shenyx110 - 0
[Suggestion]: just backport the changes from 1.19 to 1.18
#54 opened by poly-1810 - 3
[Crash]: Universal Enchantments crashes games upon clicking on single player button on main menu
#53 opened by Nekkok - 2
[Crash]: claims to be outdated
#55 opened by Flame39 - 1
[Suggestion]: Fortune Makes Block Drop More Experience
#56 opened by Phoupraw - 2
[Bug]: Bow will not draw
#57 opened by IsriusQQ - 0
[Bug]: The Mod Universal Enchants doesn't work in server
#59 opened by YejiYeah - 1
[Suggestion]: Delete Redundant Enchantments
#60 opened by Malachi-lewis - 2
[Crash]: New 1.18.2 update crashes my modpack
#61 opened by xFirefalconx - 5
[Crash]: Starting Integrated Server (Modpack)
#62 opened by xFirefalconx - 1
[Suggestion]: precise enchantment level configuration
#76 opened by peow - 1
[Suggestion]: Is a 1.20.4 update planned?
#77 opened by Cactuxfrombrazil - 0
[Suggestion]: Compatibility with the Aether: Redux
#79 opened by Zepalesque - 2
[Suggestion]: Allow "god armor"
#80 opened by SebSemos - 0
Server Crash on Boot
#81 opened by lanwoodall423 - 2
[Suggestion]: How Mace enchants should be handled/incorporated into Uuniversal Enchants for 1.21.
#82 opened by winterveritas - 1
[Bug]: Universal Enchants misclassifies Majruszs Enchantments
#83 opened by diefesson - 0
Incompatible with mjollnir from Mythic Botany
#85 opened by captinwill - 0
[Bug]: Incompatibility with Tetra mod
#86 opened by sirben99 - 0
Please delete
#87 opened by captinwill - 3
Supplementary Static
#84 opened by GreenForzeGaming - 1
[Bug]: 1.21.1 version not working at all
#88 opened by ordinary-A - 0
[Suggestion]: Backport Fix for Client and Server Mismatch
#89 opened by 123ghaksd - 1
[Suggestion]: Chiseled Bookshelves from Easy Magic should grant enchanting power to Enchanting Infusers
#90 opened by thricebite - 1
#91 opened by winterveritas - 0
[Bug]: Incompatibility with mods that change enchantments
#92 opened by programaus - 1
[Suggestion]: Add ability to remove the infinity/mending compatibility
#93 opened by LukoTheLuko - 2
[Crash]: Server crash
#94 opened by Ciellix