[Crash]: Starting Integrated Server (Modpack)
xFirefalconx opened this issue · 5 comments
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- Load a game world
- It crashes
I was updating a lot of mods in my modpack. When I was done doing so, I figured starting the game is possible, so let's go back to my game world. It can't do that though.
I don't think it's a single mod issue, more like a combination, but I don't know which of the many many mods to test on. Is SWEM a highly likely culprit?
Shall I try to create a new world to see if the old world is incompatible? I still suspect a bunch of causes, I just thought sharing the report and asking for advice on which mods may be troubling, so I can narrow down further. The Universal Enchants mod gets thrown in the stacktrace veeery early so... is it struggling with Star Worm Equestrian Mod's latest version (1.3.0-15)?
I posted two crash reports because I had two and wonder if they're the same thing, using NEC (not enough crashes).
Crash Report (Required)
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SWEM seems to be the issue as one enchantment (
) is missing anEnchantmentCategory
(which is what defines what type of item the enchantment can go on).I'll change Universal Enchants to simply exclude such enchantments from being configurable in a future update. Will be a while still though since I'm currently rewriting the whole mod to allow for more enchantment features to be configurable (like max level).
Heyo, former SWEM dev here.
We specifically don't want to put an enchantment category on the enchantment, since it's a very specific enchantment, that needed a custom canEnchant, and not be confused with other EnchantmentCategories.
That being said, the enchantment category is an extensible enum, so not sure if a better course of action would be to add a new EnchantmentCategory, that is only used for our enchantment.
SWEM seems to be the issue as one enchantment (swem:galaxy_coat
) is missing an EnchantmentCategory
(which is what defines what type of item the enchantment can go on).
I'll change Universal Enchants to simply exclude such enchantments from being configurable in a future update. Will be a while still though since I'm currently rewriting the whole mod to allow for more enchantment features to be configurable (like max level).
Thanks a lot for the fast investigation! I forwarded your information to their dev team, hopefully it'll be fixed soon. I'll see if downgrading either or both mods will temporarily fix it and then update once your new version is out.
Would you be so kind to keep me updated on the matter?