Universal Enchants

Universal Enchants


[Bug]: Server Configs are loaded wonky.

Pop000100 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Mod Loader (Required)


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Notes (Required)

If I start a server then join it, the config will be right for all the top level configs -> config\.toml
Ignoring folders, so config\universalenchants\minecraft\
.json will be ignored but if I load a singleplayer world it works but it is actually smuggling in singleplayer settings to the server.
also universalenchants loads those nested files from users\xxx\appdata\roaming\.minecraft not from the instance folder or the server location.
all this is dedicated server + client.
Universal enchants is version 8.0.0.
This affects enchanting infuser as well.
Which is why I think this mod is responsible.

latest.log (Optional)

No response


This issue still haunts my modpacks and dedicated servers. I just realized that this mod was the issue.
I hope you find the time to fix this bug, as this mod is fantastic.

I currently warn players on multiplayers.

Minecraft 1.19.2
Fabric Mod Loader 0.15.11
Fabric API 0.77.0
Universal Enchants 4.2.15
Forge Config API Port 4.2.11


I've migrated the enchantment system to data packs for 1.20.4, the plan is to backport this eventually. Data packs are synced every time a player joins, so they can't run into a mismatch like this.


This issue still persists in forge 1.19.2.