- 1
Enchanted books are disappeared in creative mode inventory
#1 opened by GoldenTotem - 1
Crossbow with infinity doesn't work normally
#2 opened by GoldenTotem - 2
Thrown trident with knockback doesn't work normally
#4 opened by GoldenTotem - 1
[Crash] Exception Ticking World.
#6 opened by Corvus20 - 7
- 3
[Bug]: can't run with forge 1.19.2
#12 opened by PHAT00100 - 1
Compatibility with Modded weapons?
#7 opened by 4AC11 - 1
Bug: Dedicated Server log spam when shutting down
#8 opened by Xaneas - 3
Please update to 1.19:)
#9 opened - 4
Ticking entity I java.lang.ClassCastException
#10 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 4
[Bug]: Ensorcellation conflict
#16 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 2
- 1
[Bug]: broke mc forge vars
#14 opened by tofika - 2
[Crash]: Incompatibility with Majrusz Enchantments
#15 opened by Baggytrousers27 - 6
[Crash]: After init with Server Translation API
#17 opened by SplendidAlakey - 4
Compatibility with SurvivalPlus Lightsabers
#18 opened by 48004800 - 3
[Crash]: Upon starting a new world
#19 opened by VizarCain - 1
[Crash]: Skeleton of Doom
#20 opened by thehiveknight - 1
[Crash]: When trying to create a new world with universal enchants and qu Enchantments , minecraft crashes
#21 opened by JohnM514 - 3
[Crash]: Ticking Entity Crash when player is hit with a trident [Mod Compat Issue]
#22 opened by FoggyWizard - 7
Compatibility with Advanced Combat
#23 opened by 48004800 - 1
[Crash]: java.lang.StackOverflowError: Rendering screen
#24 opened by aking4125 - 5
Compatibility with Apotheosis
#25 opened by XM666-Dev - 2
[Suggestion]: Add Ability To Toggle on/off Silktouch
#26 opened by Baxuvis - 1
[Bug]: Universal Enchants mod crashes in modpack
#28 opened by NicoTheIdiot - 2
[Crash on launch]: Possible Incompatibility with Polymer
#29 opened by Desempregago - 4
[Bug]: Compatibility issues with Amethyst Tools Mod
#27 opened by 48004800 - 2
[Crash]: Fabric 14.11-1.19.2 crashes with Universal Enchants 4.2.8
#32 opened by Cr4fTJuNkiE - 2
[Bug]: java.lang.StackOverflowError
#30 opened by jarocajavi - 1
[Suggestion]: Ability to combine enchantment levels above the maximum on the anvil
#31 opened by mpustovoi - 1
[Bug]: some modded enchants aren't properly restricted when specifying allowed items in the config files.
#33 opened by acolonyofrabbits - 3
[Enhancement Request]: Compatibility with Apotheosis
#34 opened by shinji257 - 22
[Bug]: Looting cannot be applied to swords with this mod
#35 opened by brisingraerowing - 7
[Bug]: Unable to join worlds after deleting the config files, possible incompat with Enchancement
#36 opened by SplendidAlakey - 1
[Bug]: Enchantment JSON files don't regenerate if removed
#37 opened by allanonmage - 5
[Bug]: Compatibility with Impaled, a Trident focused mod
#38 opened by allanonmage - 2
[Bug]: Incompatibility with Tetra Modular items
#39 opened by Gaz-tec - 1
[Crash]: Create New World button crashes after a few seconds after being clicked
#40 opened by vainlaind4in - 0
[Bug]: veinmining
#41 opened by GreenForzeGaming - 0
[Crash]: Incompatibility with Mo'Enchantments
#42 opened by ShatteredPrismatic - 2
[Compatibility] Enchantments from Ensorcellation don't obey exclusivity config
#3 opened by chimericdream