[Bug]: Unable to join worlds after deleting the config files, possible incompat with Enchancement
SplendidAlakey opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Mod Loader (Required)
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Notes (Required)
- Create a world, let the configs generate
- Close the game, delete .mineacraft/config/universalenchants folder entirely
- Install Enchancement (not sure if any other mod would cause this, I tested with Qu Enchantments and it worked fine)
- Launch the game and try to join the world you created in step 1
The game window will tell you, that errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading. However, from the logs you can clearly see, that UE simply failed to regenerate the config files.
latest.log (Optional)
Unfortunately, it still doesn't work. New logs (same link): https://gist.github.com/SplendidAlakey/42f448cd46061668d74102c691d4de84
Reproducible with default configs. The logs I shared are from an instance, that was freshly created specifically for the test.
The default config looks like this:
"allowedEnchantments": [
"invertedList": false,
"overhaulEnchantingTable": true,
"allowTreasureEnchantmentsInEnchantingTable": false,
"experienceLevelCost": 5,
"lapisLazuliCost": 5,
"singleEnchantmentMode": true,
"singleLevelMode": true,
"allowInfinityOnCrossbows": true,
"allTridentsHaveLoyalty": true,
"channelingWorksWhenNotThundering": true,
"fireAspectWorksAsFlintAndSteel": true,
"freeEnchantedBookMerging": true,
"luckOfTheSeaHasLure": true,
"negateEnderPearlDamage": true,
"safeChanneling": true,
"tridentsReturnFromVoid": true,
"weakerPotions": true,
"weaponEnchantmentCooldownRequirement": 0.7,
"maxExtractingBlocks": 64,
"maxLumberjackBlocks": 1024,
"maxLumberjackHorizontalLength": 7,
"unbreakingChangesFlag": 0
Ok, so I looked into this and it turns out Enchancement removes (more like hides) enchantments it wants to disable from the game registry. This is a very incompatible approach for this sort of behavior, I'm not going to support that in any way.
You can configure Enchancement to keep all vanilla enchantments in the game though (check their FAQ on CurseForge), in that case Universal Enchants will work again, I just tested it myself.