Universal Enchants

Universal Enchants


Thrown trident with knockback doesn't work normally

GoldenTotem opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Knockback enchantment on a trident works normally when you hold it in your hand. But if you throw it, the trident will pull mobs toward yourself instead of push them away. In other words, the direction of knockback is reversed.

1.16.5 forge_36.2.23 Sneaky Magic_1.3.2


Fixed in 1.18 release. 1.16 release of Sneaky Magic will not receive the fix due to time constraints unfortunately though.


Fixed in 1.18 release. 1.16 release of Sneaky Magic will not receive the fix due to time constraints unfortunately though.

That's too regretful, I just want to use it in my 1.16.5 modpack. If there is no time constraints, please consider it, thank you :)