Universal Enchants

Universal Enchants


[Enhancement Request]: Compatibility with Apotheosis

shinji257 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Suggestion (Required)

When this mod is installed along side Apotheosis the increased enchantment levels are not permitted if the option to fix the enchant command is disabled. Currently it uses vanilla caps since it overrides the enchant command and doesn't honor the increased levels that apotheosis gives.

Additionally I'd request that the ability to uncap the levels be decoupled from the rest of the functionality of the fix if possible.

Pack: TNP 6 1.8.0


Should be fixed in the latest v4.2.10. Can you confirm that?


The uncap is decoupled but if you leave the enchant command fix enabled it doesn't import the new level caps from Apotheosis. I don't know if that is possible or not. Maybe as an option (some might want vanilla caps... probably)?

Additionally if you disable the enchant command fix the command becomes unavailable period. Not even the vanilla one is available. I did check and restarted the pack I'm using to the same effect. I'll try to isolate to just the mod when I get a chance to verify what I see isn't something else but I don't have time right now. Just wanted to note my observations for the new update.

EDIT: Got a moment, much earlier than expected, to test this in a more stripped back environment.
Testing: 1.19.2 Fabric and Forge
Fabric has just this mod + dependencies
Forge has this mod + Apotheosis and dependencies for both

Same issue observed as above. Disabling the cap reduces to vanilla limits. Disabling the fix results in no enchant command at all. Not even vanilla. Observation consistent on both Forge and Fabric.


Just pushed a fix for the command missing, had a boolean inverted.
For the proper Apotheosis caps to apply you'll have to disable both options and use the vanilla command. I'm replacing the whole command when any of my changes are applied, and that's when the Apotheosis changes stop working.
Thanks for testing!