Universal Enchants

Universal Enchants


[Suggestion]: Maybe a change or maybe an intentionally tweaked mechanic

esuqe opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Suggestion (Required)

On minecraft without mods if you have a sword with looting in primary hand and if you defeat a mob with a bow in the secondary hand, mob drops more items and xp but with this mod: fire aspect, looting, [freezing aspect and leeching aspect from other mods] does not apply those effects, still mobs defeated gives more experience.
If this was intentional, also make experience being affected by this mod.


This was an intentional change, since bows can be enchanted with looting now. But I understand that it can be confusing if you're used to the vanilla behavior. I've removed that part of the mod in one of the more recent ports (1.19.4 I think).