[Suggestion]: How Mace enchants should be handled/incorporated into Uuniversal Enchants for 1.21.
winterveritas opened this issue · 2 comments
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It would definitely be interesting to see swords and axes, etc. with Breach.
Not sure how the other two would fare though because adding them to other weapons wouldn't work very well because they would compromise the uniqueness of the Mace.
You wouldn't add Riptide to a sword or infinity to a Trident. It just wouldn't work because of the intent behind those specific enchants.
Increases the extra damage dealt by the mace for each block fallen by 0.5 per level, having a total of 5 levels.
(Shouldn't/couldn't be added to other weapons because it works in tandem with the smash attack).
Bypasses 15% of the damage reduction from armour per level. Has a total of 4 levels.
(Could work with other weapons because its main function is just ignoring damage reduction( {the Piercing equivalent for melee weapons} albeit the code is definitely more complicated than said).
Wind Burst
Launches the user up into the air seven blocks per level after using a smash attack with the mace. Has a total of 3 levels and can only be obtained from ominous vaults.
(Shouldn't work with other weapons because its prerequisite is "using a smash attack" and giving this to other weapons would lessen the Mace's significance).
TL'DR: only add Breach to melee weapons.
Also, Maces should probably be stack-enchantable with the usual melee weapon enchants(Bane of Arthropods, Sharpness, Smite), (Sharpness needs to be added to the list of available Mace enchants) to keep consistent with the other melee weapons, plus Impaling(including stack compatibility with other damage-increasing enchants), and Looting should be added. I'm not certain about Knockback though.
Sweeping Edge wouldn't function desirably.
Compatibility needs to be added to the Breach and Density enchantments.