Universal Enchants

Universal Enchants


[Bug]: modded enchants not taking effect

GreenForzeGaming opened this issue ยท 1 comments


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Mod Version (Required)

latest for 1.20.1

Notes (Required)

when i make enchantments from other mods available for new tools, in this case

endless quiver from apothioses: makes all arrows used infinite
this enchant when added too other tools in the config dosnt work in game even if they can get the enchant.
i put it on a cross bow. the crossbow still uses up arrows.
and if i put quick charge on a dart shooter from the aether mod its speed is not changed with reloading, same goes for the create potato cannon. idk why this is

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Read the description:

Please keep in mind that the internal implementation of individual enchantments is rather complex and relies on a bunch of hard-coded special cases. This means making enchantments compatible with new items has a good chance to not have any actual effect besides making the enchantment applicable to the item.

This is not solvable by this mod