Universal Enchants

Universal Enchants



winterveritas opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Mod Loader (Required)


Minecraft Version(s) (Required)


Mod Version(s) (Required)

Universal Enchants-v21.1.3-1.21.1-Fabric.jar

Minimal Setup (Required)


Notes (Required)

Bane of arthropods, Breach, Density, Impaling and Smite are not compatible with each other.
All other enchantments appear to be functional.
These 5 work on all melee weapons and with Sharpness, just not with each other

(I have tested every anvil configuration before sending this message and it turns out that Breach and Density are the only two compatible with each other)

According to Fuzs this is, I quote: "That's intentional. It's always been like that that only sharpness is no longer incompatible. And breach and density are new"

This contradicts the description found on the page on Curseforge
"Changes to Enchantment Compatibility make a few enchantments no longer mutually exclusive, specifically mending and infinity, piercing and multishot. Furthermore specialized damage and protection enchantments (e.g. smite and blast protection) are now compatible with the respective base enchantment (sharpness and protection)."

Admittedly it does specify specialized with base , not specialized with specialized, but seems rather esoteric and not very reader-friendly.

Regardless, this functionality goes against the spirit of this mod and I think that if it is possible to add compatibility to these enchants they should be implemented.

latest.log (Required)



See Discord, this is how it is supposed to be to make the mod not too op. You can however configure the mod yourself to achieve this, check the data files in the mod jar for that.

If you feel the mod description is worded poorly feel free to make suggestions on how to make it more clear, now that has been stated how the mod is intended to work.