Universal Enchants

Universal Enchants


[Suggestion]: Compatibility with Quark`s Runes for Horse Armor

BlackWarrior2004 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


"Quark" mod(https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/quark) adds items called "Runes" which can be combined with items in an anvil to give that enchanted item a different colored enchantment glint
Currently when used it on Enchanted Horse Armor, you can combine it, but will still show the Vanilla enchantment glint

2023-05-18_05 18 30
The screenshot has Enchanted Iron Horse Armor + Lime Rune

I had made an issue on their repo(VazkiiMods/Quark#4182 (comment)), to which they replied that it needs to be implemented by this mod as by default there`s no shining on it for quark to hook on to.

Universal Enchants version: UniversalEnchants-v4.2.15-1.19.2-Forge
Quark version: Quark-3.4-400