[Suggestion]: Compatibility with Quark`s Runes for Horse Armor
BlackWarrior2004 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
"Quark" mod(https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/quark) adds items called "Runes" which can be combined with items in an anvil to give that enchanted item a different colored enchantment glint
Currently when used it on Enchanted Horse Armor, you can combine it, but will still show the Vanilla enchantment glint
The screenshot has Enchanted Iron Horse Armor + Lime Rune
I had made an issue on their repo(VazkiiMods/Quark#4182 (comment)), to which they replied that it needs to be implemented by this mod as by default there`s no shining on it for quark to hook on to.
Universal Enchants version: UniversalEnchants-v4.2.15-1.19.2-Forge
Quark version: Quark-3.4-400