Universal Tweaks

Universal Tweaks


debug.log ERROR: `Critical problem: mixins:UTRealmsButtonMainMenuMixin from mod UniversalTweaks target GuiMainMenu was loaded too early.`

Krutoy242 opened this issue · 5 comments


After recent updates, i started to receive this error in log file:

[main/ERROR] [mixin]: Critical problem: mixins.tweaks.misc.buttons.realms.json:UTRealmsButtonMainMenuMixin from mod UniversalTweaks_1_12_2_1_7_0 target net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiMainMenu was loaded too early.

What does this means? Can it be related to CustomMainMenu mod?



As mentioned, CustomMainMenu does hide the effects of the tweak, but this error is probably due to RandomPatches for the same reason as Red-Studio-Ragnarok/Valkyrie#10, just that UT doesn't cause a crash compared to Valkyrie. Testing with just UT and RandomPatches (RP) shows that the tweak indeed does not work to hide the button from the main menu. For reference, the linked RP issue in the Valkyrie issue is about RP on a newer version of MC, which uses mixins, as opposed to the 1.12 version which uses ASM.


Possibly, going to look into it eventually. Is the tweak still working?


Is the tweak still working?

I dont know! How to check? I dont know what is "Realms" button


It‘s to hide the „Minecraft Realms“ button from the main menu, which is leading to MOJANG‘s official servers (which are not available for Minecraft 1.12 anymore). But when you‘re using Custom Main Menu, you‘re customizing the main menu either way and can‘t directly witness the effects of the tweak.


Interesting that these issues are related, thanks for the insight! Guess it‘s time to devour RandomPatches for good! 😏