Universal Tweaks

Universal Tweaks


`UTBannerBoundingBoxMixin` mixin conflict with mod `RenderLib` (`Entity Culling` lib)

Krutoy242 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Launching UT with EntityCulling output this WARN in debug.log:

[Client thread/WARN] [mixin]: Method overwrite conflict for getRenderBoundingBox in mixins.bugfixes.blocks.banner.json:UTBannerBoundingBoxMixin from mod UniversalTweaks_1_12_2_1_8_0, previously written by meldexun.renderlib.mixin.MixinTileEntityBanner. Skipping method.

Does this means that UT tweaks not working? Is it possible for me to somehow configure both mods to work together?



Seems like RenderLib is applying the same fix, you can safely disable the bugfix within Universal Tweaks.
Going to handle this automatically for the next update.


Going to handle this automatically for the next update.

Yeah, this would be great. Since in my modpack E2E-E RenderLib is optional mod, and not everyone would have its mixins.