Universal Tweaks

Universal Tweaks


[Bug Fix Request]Please fix bug of track rendering of RailsOfWar

ralseilii opened this issue ยท 0 comments


RailsOfWar-1.12.2-2006-1o1 mod (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rails-of-war) has perfect train and tracks model in 1.12.2, it has not been updated for three years and no fatal bugs, but it DO has a bug in track rendering.If the track reaches into another chunk ,it won't render if you don't look at the chunk where the track was originally placed.To always render the tracks, players have to use F3+G to show chunk edges to build one track in just one chunk ,and prevent building track between two chunks or above,which is tiring and not able to build the style liked. Really wish UniversalTweaks will help fix that track rendering bug in future updates and it will help me and other players a lot, Thank you!