Universal Tweaks

Universal Tweaks


`Better Placement` incompat with Storage Drawers

Krutoy242 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Enabling Better Placement feature makes unable to store all stacks in inventory into drawers.

  • Normal behavior: holding right click not only deposit handled stack but also all other stacks that can be deposited:

  • Actual behavior: only first stack deposited, then holding right-click not registered

Problem happens when "[1] Better Placement Toggle"=true and "[2] Force New Location"=true. If Force New Location set to false, right-clicking working fine, as normal, but i don't like this option set to false since it not comfortable to play with.

For now, temporary solution would be right-clicking drawer with empty hand. This is annoying but still working.


Please add similar fix to EX Nihilo sieves - they require holding right-click too.
Also, config option would be nice so i could create blacklist myself.