Universal Tweaks

Universal Tweaks


Large lag spikes when used alongside Fluidlogged API?

Turkey9002 opened this issue · 3 comments


For awhile I've been having lag spike issues when using that mod with a mod that adds underwater plants (like Subaquatic) and I suspected it to be from Thaumcraft at first but then realized most of the lag came from one of the tweaks in this mod. I updated to the latest version and it seems to not be as bad during testing? I wonder if any changes lately helped with that, I'll still need to check which tweak it could be to fully figure it out

Spark Profilers:
Subaquatic + Thaumcraft
Subaquatic + Thaumcraft + Universal Tweaks
Same as above but with latest Universal Tweaks version


I‘d be thankful if you could determine the tweak involved!


Earlier I was thinking Frustum Culling would be lowering FPS a bit but I don't think affects that. After a lot more testing though, looks like the latest Fluidlogged API version (v2.0.0) fixed the extra lag that I had when using it with this mod so I'll close the issue but if I do experience anything strange again I'll definitely reopen it.


Sounds good, thanks for the update!