- 1
#1 opened by Paspartout - 1
Crashes in server
#3 opened by MrKashew - 0
#4 opened by Paspartout - 3
Make it so the ducks from this mod can replace Environmental's ducks and inherit some of their functions if both mods are present
#7 opened by Corvus20 - 1
make them ridable (and steerable)... sailable?
#9 opened by superon - 1
[Bug?]Unable to spawn entities with InControl mod
#8 opened by pwigary - 1
Environmental Recipe Compat [Forge]
#11 opened by Gatamigo - 1
Add feathers and eggs to Forge tags
#15 opened by JaboyKoral - 1
Ducks spawn in ice biomes.
#16 opened by zEpiixz - 1
Farmer's Delight Compat
#17 opened by Dradon7 - 0
Duck Despawning
#19 opened by Shunosaurus - 1
No data fixer registered for *
#20 opened by Greg-J - 2
Baby geese don't drop what they are holding when they die
#21 opened by Fourmisain - 1
Feature Request: Add ability to summon angry geese
#22 opened by darkphan - 1
Please add new waterfowl and nest.
#23 opened by 1235788998753568hfjfu - 0
[FORGE] Make the duck & goose egg item have the egg tag of Forge
#25 opened by PaulerLeOne - 3
#26 opened by Paspartout - 0
mandarin ducks
#27 opened by 1235788998753568hfjfu - 2
Game crashes when breeding ducks
#28 opened by PleaseAnswerMe