Untouched Nature (UN) is a very big and complex mod that makes Minecraft look and feel a bit different and much more realistic, encouraging players to explore completely new lands, learn new things about nature and perform different kinds of magical actions.
UN doesn't have any dependencies except minecraft forge, but there are some optional mods, that are required for the full functionality of this mod:
Highly recommended mods to use with UN:
- Nature Compass, because there are a lot of big biomes
- JEI + NEI for looking into creative inventory tabs for all the stuff UN adds
- !!! Not enough ids mod, because installing UN with another big mod or many small ones will lead to lack of ids !!!
Compatibility (work in progress)
- Theoretically compatible with other biome mods, that use Default world creation type, not custom one (you may need NotEnoughIds-like mod, if there will be not enough biome ids though).However, if the biome mod use it's own biome layout (GenLayers system), they will conflict with each other.The workaround is to disable UN custom worldgen and leave only vanilla biomes decorations.
Solution (tested with RTG, may need some further testing for another mod)
Set "Disable all custom biomes" to true in the "custom_biomes" config section.
Set "Use vanilla biomes worldgen" to true in "vanilla_biomes_trees" section.
Restart the game (if you used ingame config) and create a new world with RTG.
The result:
RTG landscapes with UN trees and all necessary stuff spawning.
- UN has compatibility with BetterFoliage (for leaves), partial compatibility with Pam's Harvest Craft ore dictionary tags and all mods, that use this system, like Cooking for Blockheads.
- Do not try using UN with my BiomeColorizer mod, because they both use the exact same system for changing colors, and the result may not be good
- ! Compatibility for crystal reconstructor and other modded trees is questionable, it depends on how another mod coded it's leaves.
List of features
P.S. Screenshots may contain hints about the creation process of many things !
World generation
Untouched Nature shows the possibilities of Minecraft 1.12.2 worldgen in its real beauty: no custom noise patterns or smoothing, only vanilla tools, but artistically used.
NOTE: Almost every part of worldgen is configurable! You can get rid of all custom biomes and flora, without losing important stuff for crafting; you can use custom UN terrain with only vanilla biomes, or use vanilla biomes with UN trees, or even make a completely vanilla world with all important stuff still spawning! The world can be whatever you like.
Vanilla-style configured world
Most trees and plants in UN are real ones and are carefully and naturally destributed in the corresponding climate zones. Biomes from different zones are separated by rivers to prevent unnatural look.
UN replaces vanilla logs and leaves in the world (only in custom trees), it's needed for the full-tree chopping and new leaves decaying rules (configurable).Trees will drop vanilla blocks when chopped!
Saplings for UN kinds of oak, birch and other vanilla trees can be converted to the original ones and back.
UN logs can be converted to the closest vanilla ones using the convertation catalogue. It may be useful, if you hate clutter in your inventory and storage system.
- wider and more consistent rivers and beaches
- world generation overhaul: new landscapes and a bit more complex biome spawning system
- full vanilla biomes alteration
- >50 new biomes
- > 100 new types of trees, including small flowering and fruit trees with different models
= more than 500 hand-made trees + custom structure format and spawning system, that allows to spawn objects without getting "cascading worldgen" issues - 10 berry and 7 flowering bushes of various forms
- >90 real-world plants for every climate zone, also epiphytes + high grasses + moss + water plants + bigger plants with custom models
- 9 new mushrooms + 4 big magical mushrooms
- 15 new vines
- 14 new crops + wild potato, carrot and beetroot plants
- 3 new types of stone (black, white and red)
- 24 new fruits
- 18 new berries
- 6 magical crystals
- 10 new jewels ores + salt
Preview of some worldgen features
Big shrooms
Peat, clay and fir podzol
Advanced cooking
Meet new tastes! A lot of meals from all over the world are here for you.
- new natural food sources: berries and fruits, vegetables and herbs, caviar, tasty flowers, seaweed, salt, mushrooms etc
- firepit cooking for many types of food
- "machines" for more advanced ways of preparing food: millstone, cooking pot, presser, juicer, fermentation clay vessels, large traditional stove + casting iron kitchenware, jars for pickling and jams. etc
- new types of food: complex large meals with several uses, pastry, pickled vegetables, jams and juices, alcohol and vines, sauces, oils and flour
- kitchenware and casting molds system
Preview of some features
Sauces,oils and flour
Kitchen utencils
Simple food
Firepit cooking
Cooking pot food
Basic Manufacture
- new sources of fibre and yarns: cotton, cotton grass, kapok, linen and silk
- cloth, wool and string production using spinning wheel and loom
- traditional sericulture (based on Chinese one)
- compost bin for making bone meal from vegetation
- stone worker's table for crafting stone decorative blocks
- glass worker's table for crafting exquisite stained glass blocks
- window factory for making different types of windows
- painting machine for changing colors of blocks
- freezer for making ice
a few new basic survival tools like stone for beating things and throwing, stone knife, lighters from simple materials, scythe and leaves blower, crystal reconstructor for getting saplings
New materials, fuel and mob loot
- Bamboo, peat, straw, branches, raffia and liber, palm leaf, moss, cattail and papyrus for paper, pearls and shinyphere orbs, new dyes and paints
- Wither fork bone, horse hair lock, sheep stomach, creeper skin, witch hair, cat hair (some of them need special tools to be obtained)
- cute clay jars of all colors
- bamboo chests
- bureau
- big wicker basket that stores its inventory and can be taken when you're travelling far
Storage blocks
- Stained glass
- Lots of new wood and planks blocks, including stairs and slabs+vertical slabs
- Colored glass windows (blocks and panes)
- Fancy glass blocks+CTM glass
- Carved terracotta blocks
- New colored terracotta blocks
- Jewels stone blocks: semi-transparent jade, malachite, new lazurite blocks, colored marble, amber, beryl, chalcedony, garnet, jasper, hematite, rhodochrosite, saphire
- Wallpapers
- Curtains
- Fences
- Lattices
- Hut logs
- Straw blocks
- Bamboo blocks
- Wicker blocks
- Flower bouquets
- Flower pots
- Pearl hangings
- Light sources: chandeliers, candles, candelabra, lantern etc
and more
Stained glass
Colored glass
Carved terracotta
Bamboo blocks
Candles and lanterns
Marbles and stones
Pots with tropical flowers
Bouquets with flowers
Hut logs
Alchemy, witchcraft and magical rituals
Completely different and complex potion making system, some alchemy basis and rituals based on giving sacrifices to ancient gods, their symbols in astrology and witchcraft. Feel yourself a Harry Potter! ;-D
Witchcraft room and hall with magical things
NOTE: You will now need medical or magical stuff to cure poison etc, because milk curing is disabled.You can enable it in the config!
- magical (and existing) devices: distiller, extractor, cauldron, alchemist's table, herbalist's table, magical plants grower
- circle runic rituals for crafting things
- magical tools and weapons: staffs and amulets (maybe an invisibility coat too?..)
- 19 new potions
- essential oils, extracts, tinctures and infusions
- new types of magical ingredients: roots, bark, herba, flowers, berries, leaves, seeds, powders
- 6 magical crystals
- new metals, that you will be able to transmute from vanilla ones
- medical stuff
- some magical instruments
- some magical loot from mobs
- garlic garland to protect from vampires (hmm, vampires?..)
Preview of most features
Ingredients system
Ritual on fire
Magic tools
Simple potions
Normal biomes
Extreme Hills
Birch Forest
Roofed Forest
Extreme Hills M (Grassy Highland)
Swampland M
Willow Ponds
Wet Forest
Old Oak Grove
Temperate Fir Forest
Light Taiga
Redwood Forest
Rolling Hills and Meadow
Grand Fir Forest
Lush Grove
Aspen Grove
Sunflower Plains
Rocky Hills
Flower Forest
Boreal biomes
Mega Taiga
Mega Taiga Hills
Coniferous Mountains
Boreal Autumnal Forest
Taiga Highlands
Taiga Fjords
Wicked Lands
Taiga M
Mega Spruce Taiga
Warm (Mediterranean) biomes
Poplar Grove
Warm Mixed Forest
Warm Meadow
Warm Pastoral
Fairy Forest
Warm Dry Hills
Poplar Terraces
Poplar Grove Hills
Warm Mountains
Tropical biomes
Mushroom Island
Equatorial Rainforest
Tropical Paradise
Desert biomes
Desert Mountains
Hot Flowering Hills
Hot Grove
Hot Mountains
Desert M
Lush (Asian) biomes
Lush Mixed Forest
Lush Autumnal Forest
Lush Hills and Valley
Japanese Maple Forest
Lush Peaks Bamboo Pass
Lush Needle Peaks
Icy and Snowy biomes
Ice Plains
Ice Mountains
Cold Taiga
Ice Spikes
Ice Grove
Winter Forest
Winter Fir Forest
Winter Dead Taiga
Winter Tundra
Winter Hills and Valley
Winter Crimson Forest
Cold Taiga M
Wild West biomes
Dry Golden Cottonwoods
Dry Prairie
Cypress Swamp
Red Mountains
Mesa Bryce
Some things to know before playing
- You need to have a decent PC with at least 4GB RAM (allocated for Minecraft)
- UN replaces some vanilla textures (waterlily and red sand&red sandstone blocks), as well as vanilla biome colors (configurable)
- The very first load of the new world (initial world creation process)can take a while, highly depending on how many big trees are near the spawn area; after that this world chunk loading will have a normal speed.
- UN adds a useful food testing tool, potion that makes player 100%hungry, named Hungry Belly potion.You can find it in the creative Brewing tab.
- UN adds new harder recipe for bread (can be cooked in the stove) and removes milk healing effect (configurable)
- Hand-made UN trees have custom leaves, which have their own decaying rules, and they sometimes may not decay properly due to strange minecraft block-updates issues.In most cases they will update and decay after any neighbor block will be updated.
- Also all UN trees (not the small fruit trees with thin trunks) can be fully chopped down by an axe (configurable).Remaining leaves will decay after a while, or you can use Leaves Blower to remove them.
Technical Info:
UN uses custom system for loading and spawning structures like trees in the world.All these structures are made by hand and saved in a .tst and .btst templates- some kind of schematic-like files.They are formally text files, that game reads once during the pre-initialization phase and then saves in its memory.It means that you will need quite good PC and at least 4GB of RAM to load a game.Also the structure spawning system prevents trees (rocks etc) to overlap each other and landscape, so on the world creation it will take quite a while for the system to calculate and prevent intersections and cascading worldgen issues.This will happen only during the very first load, and highly depends on how big trees are in the spawning area.It however saves further performance for smooth gaming and didn't show any freezing or lags while playing.
History and future of the Untouched Nature
You may find UN a bit similar to my older project, OTG preset Traveller's Dream, and it is true =) When I started UN a few years ago, I wanted to make just a small simple mod, like an addon to TD, with some new blocks (logs, leaves and flowers) to use in a preset.However, I got so captured away by new possibilities as a mod maker, that decided to make this project a totally separate one, and so the UN was born.
I have very busy times during these years, so the day of the release happens only today.UN is a giant project, that gave me a lot of fun and teached a lot, and now it is finally out!
As this is a really big mod, more likely there will be no updates to newer Minecraft versions.That however is not a 100% final sentence.
Currently I'm much more interested in new ideas, new horizons for me.New Minecraft versions may give birth to a new project, if everything will be on my side=)
UN is currently available in :
- English
- Russian
If you want to translate UN to another language, you are very welcome! Visit my github (you can find it in the issues sections), there is all required information.
Screenshots were taken with :
Cooking for Blockheads
Better Foliage
Shaders: Seus renewed v1.01 or Sildurs Vibrant v1.29