Unusual End

Unusual End

Ender Fireflies Nests

Ender Fireflies Nests

This strange box (maybe a nest ?) seems to be guarded by Ender Fireflies.
Outer End

Outer End

The Outer End look isn't massively modified
Warped Ships

Warped Ships

Ruined Ships covered in Warped Moss can be found between the Outer Islands and Main Island
Wanderer House

Wanderer House

This island seems to be the real Wandering Traders house. They seem to use Wandering Stew to cross dimensions.
Chorus Islands

Chorus Islands

Sometime, the End Highlands vegetation seem to be found on Small End Islands. Maybe they were one day part of bigger islands ?
Warped Islands Patches

Warped Islands Patches

New islands can be found in the Small End Islands biome, like this warped islands, inhabited by Boloks
End Tower

End Tower

This dungeon is protected by Draglings and an Endstone Golem
Gloopstone Nests

Gloopstone Nests

Lone purple islands can sometime be found in the End, infested by Endermite Eggs
Overhauled End Highlands

Overhauled End Highlands

Home to more vegetation and new entities
New Decoration Blocks

New Decoration Blocks

A lot of new blocks can be found or crafted to enhance your builds