Upgradable Crystal Tools

Upgradable Crystal Tools


Crystal Tools

This mod adds a new class of tools to Minecraft called crystal tools. They are meant to be a post-netherite tool that can keep getting better as you use it.

You can download the mod on Curse Forge, Modrinth, or from Github Releases.

Please report any bugs you find in the Issues tab or in the comments. You can also suggest features or ask questions there.


  • Crystal Ore
  • Deepslate Crystal Ore
  • Crystal Block
  • Crystal Torch
    • Acts as a normal torch just with a different texture
    • These can be placed with an upgrade on some tools
  • Crystal Furnace
  • Crystal Generator

World Generation

Deepslate Crystal Ore Generates Below Y -44 in veins of size 5. The ore generates very rarely, currently only about one vein per chunk.


Tools gain experience by using them. You can see how much exp you need to get to the next level by looking at the tooltip. You can open the skill tree by pressing k by default. Skill points can be using to get a new skill or to fully repair your tool.

The following tools/armor pieces are implemented:

  • Crystal Pickaxe
  • Crystal Axe
  • Crystal Shovel
  • Crystal Hoe
  • Crystal Sword
  • Crystal AIOT (All In One Tool)
  • Crystal Bow
  • Crystal Helmet
  • Crystal Chestplate
  • Crystal Leggings
  • Crystal Boots
  • Crystal Elytra
  • Crystal Rocket
  • Crystal Apple
  • Crystal Backpack
  • Crystal Trident
  • Crystal Fishing Rod

Other Items

  • Crystal Backpack


There will be upgrades that are common to most tools, and tools will each get unique upgrades as well. Below is a list of all currently implemented upgrades.

All Tools

  • Durability
  • Auto-Repair

Mining Tools (Pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe)

  • Mining Speed
  • Silk Touch
  • Fortune
  • Auto Smelting
  • 3x3 Mining
  • Auto Pickup
  • Mode Switch
    • Allows you to upgrade both Fortune and Silk Touch on your tool, and switch between them. (m by default)


  • Vein Mining
    • Will mine out an entire vein of ore when you are holding the vein miner key.
    • It applies silk touch, fortune, and auto smelt to evey one mined.
    • Can add more points to increase the number of blocks mined
  • Torch Placer
    • Places a torch when you right-click on a block, uses 10 durability.


  • Tree Chopper
    • Will chop or strip multiple blocks if you hold the vein miner key. You can increase the number of blocks by adding more points to it.
  • Leaf Miner
    • Allows axe to mine leaves efficiently.


  • Attack Damage
  • Attack Speed
  • Fire Aspect
  • Knockback
  • Knockback Resistance
    • You take less knockback when holding the sword
  • Lifesteal
    • You heal each time you hit an enemy
  • Looting


  • Attack Damage
  • Projectile Damage
  • Projectile Speed
  • Riptide Level
  • Loyalty Level
  • Channeling (Add more points to increase lightning damage)
  • Switch between Loyalty and Riptide
  • Allow Riptide when not raining
  • Instant Loyalty (It won't have to travel back to you, when it hits something it will instantly appear in your inventory)


  • Arrow Damage
  • Arrow Speed
  • Draw Speed
  • Flame
  • Infinity
  • Arrow Knockback
  • Tipped Arrows
    • Poison
    • Weakness
    • Slowness
    • Wither

Fishing Rod

  • Lure
  • Luck of the Sea
  • Chance to Double Drops (by default 20% per level)

All Armor

  • Protection
  • Fire Protection
  • Blast Protection
  • Projectile Protection
  • Thorns
  • Armor Value Bonus
  • Toughness Bonus


  • Aqua Affinity
  • Respiration
  • Night Vision


  • Health Bonus


  • Speed Bonus


  • Feather Falling
  • Depth Strider
  • Soul Speed
  • Frost Walker
  • Negate Fall Damage


  • Durability + Unbreaking
  • Creative Flight


  • Flight Duration


  • Nutrition
  • Saturation
  • Eat Speed
  • Always Eat
  • Effects
    • When eaten gain positive effects
    • Possible effects:
      • Speed
      • Haste
      • Strength
      • Jump Boost
      • Regeneration
      • Resistance
      • Fire Resistance
      • Water Breathing
      • Invisibility
      • Night Vision
      • Absorption
      • Saturation
      • Slow Falling


  • Furnace Speed
    • Decreases the time to smelt items
  • Fuel Efficiency
    • Increases the time fuel burns
  • Experience Boost
    • Increase the experience (Minecraft exp) that you get from smelting items
  • Slot
    • Adds one additional input and one additional output slot
  • Fuel Slot
    • Adds one additional fuel slot
  • Auto Split
    • Automatically splits the inputs up over the input slots
  • Auto Output
    • Automatically ejects output items to connected inventories


  • FE Generation
    • Increases the FE per tick generated
  • Fuel Efficiency
    • Increases the burntime of fuels
  • FE Capacity
    • Increases the FE capacity
  • Redstone Control
    • Allows you to turn off the generator with a redstone signal
  • Metal Generator
    • Allows the generator to burn metals for FE
    • Currently works with all vanilla metals and any item with the ingot tag
      • If you want specific mod compatability, leave a comment or issue and I can add it
      • See DataMaps for how to add custom entries
  • Food Generator
    • Allows the generator to burn food for FE
  • Gem Generator
    • Allows the generator to burn gems for FE
    • Currently works with all vanilla gems and any item with the gem tag
      • If you want specific mod compatability, leave a comment or issue and I can add it
      • See DataMaps for how to add custom entries
  • Save Fuel
    • Doesn't waste fuel when there is no room to output FE


  • Capacity
    • Adds 9 more item slots
  • Auto Pickup
    • Items that you pickup will go into your backpack if they match the filter
    • Can be toggled off with the Mode Switch key
  • Filter Slots
    • Each level adds 5 filter slots for deciding what the backpack picks up
    • Has a button to switch between whitelist and blacklist
  • Sort
    • Adds a button that will automatically sort the contents of the backpack
    • By default, it will sort by number of items. This can be changed in the config to QUANTITY, NAME, MOD, or ID
  • Store In Inventory
    • Shift Right-clicking on a chest or another inventory will attempt to store all items from the backpack in the inventory

Crafting Recipes



Pickaxe Crafting


Axe Crafting


Shovel Crafting


Hoe Crafting


Sword Crafting


Trident Crafting

Fishing Rod

Fishing Rod Crafting


  • Will give you skill points equal to all the points on tools used to craft it (spent or unspent)

AIOT Crafting



Helmet Crafting


Chestplate Crafting


Leggings Crafting


Boots Crafting


  • Will give you skill points on the crystal elytra based on points on chestplate (spent or unspent) and one for each level of enchantment on the elytra

Elytra Crafting


Rocket Crafting


Apple Crafting



Crystal Furnace Crafting


  • Will transfer all skill points from the furnace used to craft it

Crystal Generator Crafting


Netherite Stick

Netherite Stick Crafting

Crystal Block

Crystal Block Crafting


Crystal Crafting

Crystal Backpack

Crystal Backpack


The following config options are available. The default values are in parentheses. You can change these values in config/crystal_tools/toml or in the in-game UI.


Experience Settings

  • base_experience_cap (75): Starting EXP requirements for Tools and Armor. Range: 1 - 10000.
  • max_exp (1000): The maximum amount of exp that can be required for the next level. Range 1 - 100000.
  • experience_multiplier (1.1): Multiplier for max experience to the next level. Range: 1.0 - 100.0.
  • armor_experience_boost (2.0): Multiplies how much experience Armor gets, experience is calculated by EXP_GAINED = DAMAGE_TAKEN * ARMOR_EXPERIENCE_BOOST. Range: 0.1 - 10000.0.
  • bow_experience_boost (1.0): Multiplies how much experience Bows get, experience is calculated by EXP_GAINED = UNMITIGATED_DAMAGE_DONE * BOW_EXPERIENCE_BOOST. Range: 0.1 - 10000.0.
  • sword_experience_boost (0.8): Multiplies how much experience Swords get, experience is calculated by EXP_GAINED = UNMITIGATED_DAMAGE_DONE * SWORD_EXPERIENCE_BOOST. Range: 0.1 - 10000.0.
  • trident_experience_boost (1.0): Multiplies how much experience Tridents get, experience is calculated by EXP_GAINED = UNMITIGATED_DAMAGE_DONE * TRIDENT_EXPERIENCE_BOOST. Range: 0.1 - 10000.0.
  • rocket_experience_boost (5): Determines how much experience Rockets get per use. Range: 1 - 1000.
  • apple_experience_boost (0.5): Multiplies how much experience Apples get, experience is calculated by EXP_GAINED = (SATURATION * 2 + 1) * NUTRITION * APPLE_EXPERIENCE_BOOST. Range: 0.1 - 1000.0.
  • furnace_experience_boost (1): Multiplies how much experience Furnaces get, experience is calculated by EXP_GAINED = RECIPE_EXP * 10 * FURNACE_EXPERIENCE_BOOST. Range: 0.1 - 1000.0.
  • fishing_rod_exp (10): Determines how much experience you get for fish caught. Range 1 - 1000.
  • experience_leveling_scaling (10): Number of levels in a tool before the experience level costs increases. Set to 0 to disable scaling. Range: 0 - 100.
  • experience_per_skill_level (10): Determines the number of experience levels you need to gain a level on a tool. Set to 0 to disable. Range: 0 - 100.

Tool Settings

  • tool_repair_cooldown (50): Determines the cooldown between durability repairs for tools with the auto repair upgrade in ticks (20 ticks per second). Range: 1 - 10000.
  • repair_in_hand (false): If true, tools will auto repair while you are holding them
  • rocket_repair_modifier (10): Multiplied by TOOL_REPAIR_COOLDOWN to get the cooldown of the auto repair on the rocket. Range: 1 - 10000.
  • apple_repair_modifier (10): Multiplied by TOOL_REPAIR_COOLDOWN to get the cooldown of the auto repair on the apple. Range: 1 - 10000.
  • vein_miner_range (4): Determines the range of the vein miner upgrade on the shovel, pickaxe, and AIOT. It will mine blocks upo to this range away from the ore broken. Range 1 - 100.
  • tree_chopper_range (10): Determines the range of the tree chopper and tree stripper upgrade on the axe. It will mine logs up to this range away from the log broken. Range 1 - 100.
  • always_channel (true): If true, channeling Crystal Tridents will summon lightning even if they don't hit an entity.

Disable Tools

  • disable_pickaxe (false): Disables the Crystal Pickaxe
  • disable_shovel (false): Disables the Crystal Shovel
  • disable_axe (false): Disables the Crystal Axe
  • disable_sword (false): Disables the Crystal Sword
  • disable_hoe (false): Disables the Crystal Hoe
  • disable_aiot (false): Disables the Crystal AIOT
  • disable_bow (false): Disables the Crystal Bow
  • disable_rocket (false): Disables the Crystal Rocket
  • disable_apple (false): Disables the Crystal Apple
  • disable_elytra (false): Disables the Crystal Elytra
  • disable_helmet (false): Disables the Crystal Helmet
  • disable_chestplate (false): Disables the Crystal Chestplate
  • disable_leggings (false): Disables the Crystal Leggings
  • disable_boots (false): Disables the Crystal Boots
  • disable_backpack (false): Disables the Crystal Backpack
  • disable_trident (false): Disables the Crystal Trident
  • disable_fishing_rod (false): Disables the Crystal Fishing Rod

Furnace Settings

  • fuel_efficiency_added_ticks (100): Number of ticks that are added to each fuel piece per level of fuel efficiency.
  • speed_upgrade_subtract_ticks (10): Number of ticks subtracted from every recipe's duration per level of furnace speed.
  • experience_boost_percentage (0.1): Percentage increase of experience gained per level of experience boost.

Generator Settings

  • base_fe_generation (40): Base FE generation per tick. Range: 1 - 1000000.
  • base_fe_storage (10000): Base FE the crystal generator can store. Range: 1 - 1000000.
  • base_fe_transfer (80): Base FE transfer per tick. Range: 1 - 1000000.
  • fe_generation_per_level (10): FE generation gained per level of FE Generation. Range: 1 - 1000000.
  • fe_storage_per_level (2000): FE storage gained per level of FE capacity. Range: 1 - 1000000.
  • food_burn_time_multiplier (20): The food burntime formula is: (food_nutrition + food saturation) * food_burn_time_multiplier. Range: 0.01 - 10000.
  • skill_points_per_burn_time (0.00625): Determines how much skill experience you get from burning items. skill_exp = fuel_burn_time * skill_points_per_burn_time. Range: 0 - 1.

Backpack Settings

  • backpack_sort_type (QUANTITY): Sort method that the backpack uses. Can be one of: QUANTITY, NAME, MOD, or ID
  • backpack_base_experience_cap (200): Starting EXP requirements for the Backpack. Range: 1 - 10000.
  • max_compression_slot_rows (6): Maximum number of rows of compression slots. These slots will not scroll, so don't set it to larger than your gui scale can render. Range: 1 - 20.

Miscellaneous Settings

  • enable_item_requirements (true): Set to false to disable certain nodes from requiring items to upgrade.
  • require_crystal_for_reset (true): Require a crystal item in your inventory for resetting skill points.
  • reach_increase (0.5): The amount of reach you get for each level (in blocks). Range: 0.1 - 20.
  • enchant_tools (false): If true, tools will be enchantable. This could cause weird interactions and issues.


  • upgrade_screen_background ("cracked_deepslate_tiles"): Determines the block texture to use for the background of the upgrade screen. Must be a vanilla block's resource location. Here is a list of options from the wiki.
  • background_opacity (1.0): Controls the background opacity of the skill tree screen. Range: 0 - 1.0.
  • disable_block_target_rendering (false): Disables the block highlighting for 3x3 mining and vein mining.
  • shift_point_spend (10): Number of points to spend while you are holding shift. Range: 1 - 10000.
  • control_point_spend (100): Number of points to spend while you are holding control. Range: 1 - 10000.


  • creative_flight_points (100): The number of points you need to have in the creative flight node for it to enable. Range: 1 - 1000000.

Datapack options

There are a couple of features that can be customized using datapacks.


  • entity_types/entity_blacklist: Entities that have this tag will not level up the sword, bow, or AIOT when attacked. Only entity to have it by default is the armor stand.

More information on tags and datapacks can be found here.


Add a file entity_blacklist.json in a datapack in the location crystal_tools/tags/entity_types that looks like:

  "values": [


  • generator_gems: Controls the gems that can be burned with the gem generator upgrade in the crystal generator.
  • generator_metals: Controls the gems that can be burned with the gem generator upgrade in the crystal generator.

More information on datamaps can be found here.


Adding a modded gem

Add a file generator_gems.json in a datapack in the location crystal_tools/data_maps/item that looks like:

  "values": {
    "ae2:certus_quartz_crystal": {
      "bonusGeneration": 5,
      "burnTime": 1600

Where bonusGeneration is the generator added on top of the base from the generator and burnTime is the total burn time in ticks.

Changing the value of an existing gem

  "values": {
    "replace": true,
    "minecraft:diamond": {
      "bonusGeneration": 1000,
      "burnTime": 16000