Useful Grass

Useful Grass


This mod is pretty simple...It makes grass useful! It adds 2 tiers of grass tools that you can obtain in different ways. You can obtain the first tier grass simply by combining grass in a chest like fashion and you receive packed grass. With the packed grass you can make all the different types of tools,armor,and even a chest! You can obtain tier 2 grass by smelting tier 1 grass in a grass hardened(which is almost fully implemented but usable). With tier 2 grass you can only make tools and armor but a chest and machine has not been made yet. I have also added in coal which currently does not have a recipe. I am also working on properly implementing the "Wheat Grass" which is only accessible through creative. I am very sorry for how alpha this mod is but I was very eager to release it to the public. I am constantly updating the mod so check for updates every so often. Feel free to try out the mod and give me ideas of what I need to add.

Coming Soon-3rd Tier of items

Grass Mobs

Food(Almost done)