Valkyrien Storage - Sophisticated Compatibility

Valkyrien Storage - Sophisticated Compatibility


ValkyrienSkies 2 + SophisticateStorage Compatibility Mod

Just a small, simple mod to fix duplication of items in Sophisticated Storage containers when Valkyrien Skies applies physics to them.

A compatibility fix in SophisticatedStorage or ValkyrienSkies 2 would be a preferrable approach, but until that is in place, this mod can bridge the gap.

This works by

Version Support

So far this has only been built for Minecraft 1.19.2 to patch Sophisticated Storage 0.8 and should work with any version of Valkyrien Skies 2, but it may also work with other versions of Sophisticated Storage or Minecraft. If anyone needs a specific version, open an issue and let me know and I will be happy to build/publish it.