Vampiric Origin

Vampiric Origin


Vampiric Origin

Demonic creature, created from blood and soul of vampire, seeking for revenge

Vampire ghost

  • Bloody source

Blood is stored here, you get it from mobs/players

  • Bloody bomb

By spiting with blood into poison potion, you can create bomb which when throwed creates cloud of poison, requires 15 blood source

  • Blood spit

Spit blood, dealing 5 damage, requires 10 blood source

  • Bloody veins

You can teleport randomly around you, requires 15 blood source

  • Light as air

You can jump higher and fall slower

  • No body

You have no body, you can't eat, you can't sleep, you are transparent and small.

  • No hands

You can't deal melee damage, and you can't use bows or shields.

  • Sucker

You can suck blood from other entities.

  • Sun is deadly laser

When being on sun u lose blood source and when u have no blood source u burn

  • Transparent

You can phase through blocks if you don't have blood source

  • Undead

You are simply undead

  • Undead leech

You can summon undeed leech so it can fight for you, requires 10 blood source

  • Vampire

Vampire inside you, you are faster at night (you need at least 15 blood) and have more health