Vanilla Scented Additions [Fabric] (AKA Grated Magma Blocks)

Vanilla Scented Additions [Fabric] (AKA Grated Magma Blocks)


Using downward bubblestreams sucks. You have to hold shift until you walk off the magma block, otherwise you get hurt.

Wouldn't it be nice you could put some sort of grating around the magma block so that you can walk on it safely? Well, now you can! :D

Simply surround a magma block with some iron bars and nuggets, and you can form a barrier between the hot magma surface and you, while still allowing it to come in contact with the water. Amazing!

grated magma block

What if you put it around soul sand? It won't slow you down anymore! But the bubble streams still work. Also, very useful for growing netherwart. :3

It's crude, but effective! Stay tuned for similarly simple yet convenient solutions!