VanillaTweaks [Fabric & Forge]

VanillaTweaks [Fabric & Forge]



VanillaTweaks is a Minecraft mod designed to enhance vanilla Minecraft without going overboard. It is designed to be minimally invasive and configurable to create a user experience like none others.

DISCLAIMER: This mod isn't associated with the Vanilla Tweaks resource pack/data pack website.


Quick Links


More info on mod this can be found on the wiki

For more in-depth review of this i recommend seeing this Spotlight.


VanillaTweaks is extremely configurable. Everything from enabling and disabling enchantments to zooming can be configured straight from the config GUI, accessible from the mods menu or the game menu. It is advised to delete your config file every time you update VanillaTweaks, for the configuration options may have changed.

For any idea you be interested to add to the mod discuss it in this discord server


Check out the Files tab of the VanillaTweaks project for downloads.


Report any issues of the mod here Github