- 9
#2 opened by steve81398 - 4
Crash when run game
#3 opened by matyklug18 - 8
Version 1.1.9 crashes on launch.
#5 opened by TeetoKaziim - 2
no pedestal recipe (1.18)
#6 opened by mvdhoning - 3
preditor/prey relationships do not work? (mod compat with animania?)
#7 opened by mvdhoning - 2
world opens imoroperly
#8 opened by that1dog - 3
Additional Falling Blocks dont fall?
#9 opened by mvdhoning - 1
[enhancement] tamed wolves should not obey predator prey relationships
#10 opened by lag42 - 1
VanillaTweaks enchantments appearing on items they don't belong on.
#11 opened by TeetoKaziim - 1
Fix enchantments
#12 opened by strikerrocker - 4
Default vt.cfg is erroring on each launch
#13 opened by TeetoKaziim - 9
Creepers not burning when enabled
#14 opened by jprocket45 - 2
Blazing enchantment not dropping smeltable things
#15 opened by BuilderDan - 0
Add Baubles compatibility for binoculars
#16 opened by Konlii - 0
Crash with 1.2.2 version
#17 opened by Xogue - 0
Vigor enchantment misspelled "vigot" in newest version
#18 opened by mahilo3550 - 5
Fix the crash when opening the controls menu
#19 opened by strikerrocker - 2
#23 opened by jesserobbins98 - 4
Crash upon loading world
#20 opened by The-Fireplace - 3
Crash using VT and Dynamic Surrondings
#24 opened by vico93 - 0
Crash on dedicated server
#25 opened by SpringsTS - 6
Issues using VT and a fork of Timberjack
#26 opened by vico93 - 2
Dedicated Server Crash
#27 opened by kreezxil - 2
Config option to disable rotten flesh to leather recipe
#28 opened by DWX12 - 3
X-Ray issue when pedestal is placed
#29 opened by DWX12 - 2
Nametags drop
#30 opened by Fortist - 0
Github and travis update
#31 opened by strikerrocker - 6
Parsing errors when loading built-in advancements + Slime Finder not working
#32 opened by DefinitelyNotFred