Various Vanities

Various Vanities


Various Vanities is a mod that adds Blocks, and Items that add to the vanilla experience.

These blocks and items like are made to feel like something Mojang could add in the base game. Items like the Rose Gold Toolset give additional uses for copper and gold and allow for more variety in armor choice. Blocks like the Magmatic Obsidian make mass storage for lave possible in game like ice does for water. Muskets are a late game upgrade for bows/crossbows. Finally the Lightning on a Stick makes lightning more accessible in the earlier stages of the game, as tridents could be challenging to come by.

Some Blocks/Items include:

-Rose Gold

-Magic Mirrors

-Magmatic Obsidian

-Musket and ammo

-Mossy Oak Woodset


-Lightning on a Stick


-The Ability to Smelt Raw Ore Blocks

Future versions will add upon the experience of the Vanilla game

Forge Port May or May not happen in the Future

Feel Free to use in Modpacks