Vault Research

Vault Research


Vault Research

Vault Research is a mod that allows modpack makers to lock mods behind a progression system.

For Players

You get levels in Vault Research the same way you get levels in vanilla minecraft. When you have enough levels to unlock a new mod, you can spend your skill points to do so!

For Modpack Developers

Currently, Vault Research has what I'd consider to be all the basic configurability. Here is the list of what you can easily change in your modpack:

  • Mods locked behind a single research
  • Cost of a single research
  • Aspects locked (i.e. crafting, right-click, etc)
  • Individual item locking (can lock items behind a research rather than a whole mod)
  • Prerequisite (You can have a Research remain hidden and un-researchable until they research its prerequisite)
  • Mutually exclusive research (researching one makes others un-researchable)
  • Custom icons for research (16x16)
  • Gating research by amount researched (i.e. a Research that can only be researched once you've spent 30 research points)
  • Locking dimensions behind research.
  • Teams System
  • Change all visible text from the mod to flavor it as you wish!

There are, however, some things that you can't configure. These are coming in the (hopefully) near future, but are currently unavailable:

  • Multiple research tabs for organization

Please check the wiki for information on how to configure this mod. If any of it is unclear, I recommend you download the mod and go to the config folder. In there is a vault_research folder and a common config file. The common config and the files in the folder should help you in configuring it.

Huge thanks to the Iskallia dev team for creating the "Vault Hunters" mod, of which this mod is itself a modification. And also thanks for releasing the mod under the GNU General Public License, so that I could release this for modpack makers to use!

The repo for their original mod can be found here.