- 0
[Feature]: Bedrock Breaking Mods compatibility
#110 opened by A5ho9999 - 4
[Bug]: Apotheosis and Vein Mining conflict
#112 opened by maxiboy211 - 2
[Feature]: Vein Mining Tools only mine blocks for which they are specialized
#111 opened by Ldawsonm - 1
[Bug]: HT's TreeChop conflict
#113 opened by PatrickPichler98 - 0
[Bug]: Vein Mining not applicable to Paxels from AdaPaxels
#114 opened by Nitjsefnie - 0
[Feature]: Update to support Minecraft 1.20.4 Fabric
#115 opened by lospejos - 3
[Feature]: Add cooldown (configurable)
#116 opened by Kiryonn - 1
[Bug]: Vein Mining Book Turns into Blank Enchanted Book upon entering Player Inventory
#117 opened by InfamyFX - 2
[Bug]: activation key configuration is wiped out every time launching the game with client `maxBlocksBase` set to 0
#118 opened by RocketMaDev - 3
#94 opened by eyebullz - 2
[Bug]: Mining multiple wooden planks
#95 opened by Pastole - 9
[Bug]: Vein mining doesnt activate, i could have an old version tbh
#96 opened by glkennedy904 - 1
[Bug]: Name not appearing on books/villager tools
#97 opened by Centurian13 - 8
[Bug]: Whenever I open a world, the config files reset
#98 opened by Q01010001 - 1
[Bug]: disabled by configuration on minecraft server
#99 opened by abysskya - 1
#100 opened by jaynotgay - 1
#101 opened by xoltrain - 1
[Bug]: Bedrock Ore Interaction
#102 opened by Jophire - 5
[Bug]: the enchant vein miner causes a big lag spike, server freezes etc. Only fix was nerfing it to the dirt 2 blocks. Please do smt about it cause its essential mod for bmc1 fabric
#103 opened by CiriuxLT - 1
[Bug]: Latest version on CurseForge for 1.19.3 is actually for 1.19.4
#106 opened by Qsta981 - 1
[Bug]: There no books for 2-5 lvls
#104 opened by Azzmurr - 1
[Suggestion]: Vein mining shape control
#105 opened by DakotaJM-git - 3
[Bug]: Crash on server / client launch
#108 opened by Flamaghl - 8
[Bug]: Vein Mining mines everything without activation
#107 opened by Ranplex - 4
[Bug]: it not working in the modpack Prominence II [FORGE]
#109 opened by Phromphithak - 2
[Feature]: Option for vein mining stone-type blocks
#120 opened by krjencik - 2
[Bug]: Config seems not work propertly
#121 opened by daordonep - 2
[Bug]: Not Working on Forge 1.20.1 client
#122 opened by V-Tom - 1
[Feature]: Server Side Only?
#123 opened by TheKidThatCodes - 7
[Bug]: Vein mining not working on server 1.20.1
#124 opened by lolpowerluke - 4
[Bug]: TechReborn ores aren't vein mining
#126 opened by madeofstars0 - 5
[Bug]: JEI recipe's disappear after updating mod
#125 opened by VillainVibe - 0
[Bug]: Ticking entity crash
#127 opened by Landros23 - 5
[Bug]: Configuration does not work for our modded ores
#128 opened by Zanklev - 3
[Bug]: Server TOML Not working correctly on a server
#129 opened by JdotMo - 1
[Bug]:The Vein Mining enchantment book does not exist
#130 opened by asnndpro - 5
[Bug]: Can't vein mine stone/deepslate
#131 opened by Water3284 - 1
[Crash]: Not compatible with NoShieldDelay
#132 opened by Phoupraw - 2
[Bug]: No common config?
#133 opened by GanerCodes - 0
[Bug]: Crash
#134 opened by 15randasar - 0
[Bug]: Server thread/WARN (TranslationConventionLogWarnings)
#136 opened by purejosh - 0
[Bug]: requireCorrectTool not working
#137 opened by KhaosEU - 0
[Feature]: Support for deployers from Create Mod
#138 opened by SkyPhoenixZ1000 - 1
[Bug]: Whitelist/blacklist doesnt work
#140 opened by derikfoley - 0
[Bug]: Can't modify the whitelist/blacklist of blocks able to mine
#141 opened by Vicente0liveira - 0
[Bug]: Veinmining can not be found in enchanting table
#142 opened by Drago5 - 0
[Feature]: Support Minecraft 1.21.1 and later
#145 opened by philip-segerfast - 0
[Feature]: Option to require proper tool for a block to vein mine
#143 opened by Nevrai - 0
[Feature]: Vein Mining levels
#144 opened by SnowFlakeDif - 0
[Bug]: Vein Mining not working as it should
#146 opened by Demonspawnzzz