Vertically Stacked Dimensions

Vertically Stacked Dimensions


No Way to Remove Bedrock in Extra Utilities 2 Deep Dark

hijackster99 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


What happened

None of the options for removing the bedrock layers seem to work in the deep dark

What I did

happens always

Used versions

other installed mods (only relevant ones, like those providing dimensions to your dimension stacks or modifying terrain generation)

Extra Utils 2


Are there any [dimstack] log entries on WARN, ERROR or FATAL level?


I didn't see anything in the log files


I tried to verify this myself and got this in the console log (in bold red highlighted):

[04:24:24] [Server thread/FATAL] [dimstack]: The chunk generator com.rwtema.extrautils2.dimensions.deep_dark.ChunkProviderDeepDark did not trigger net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.InitNoiseGensEvent during initialization!
Please report this issue to the mod author of the above mentionied ChunkGenerator.
[04:24:24] [Server thread/WARN] [dimstack]: Could not provide native noise fields and RNG for dimension id -11325: Deep Dark!
Terrain features that depend on these won't work correctly.
[04:24:24] [Server thread/FATAL] [dimstack]: The chunk generator com.rwtema.extrautils2.dimensions.deep_dark.ChunkProviderDeepDark doesn't trigger net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.ChunkGeneratorEvent$ReplaceBiomeBlocks when generating chunks!
Please report this issue to the mod author of the above mentionied ChunkGenerator.
[04:24:24] [Server thread/WARN] [dimstack]: Switching to inefficient terrain generation during chunk population.

The direct bedrock deactivation feature unfortunately also depends on the ReplaceBiomeBlocks forge event in order to function.
But the chunk population hook still works for the deep dark so you could remove the bedrock via block replacement.