- 1
Better bedrockOres mod compatability
#42 opened by 321nick - 0
Add an option to raise the floor portal
#43 opened by aGingerThing - 0
Game crashed when transitioning to another dimension
#44 opened by TrapMasterGaming - 0
Replace block for modded blocks stops working with minecraft reboot
#45 opened by DEADEYE2589 - 0
Entities dropped through portals cause weird behavior and log warnings
#1 opened by CD4017BE - 0
Portals don't sync properly when chunk on the other side is generated for the first time
#2 opened by CD4017BE - 1
TileEntities placed on top of Interdimensional Pipe get duplicated on world save
#3 opened by CD4017BE - 0
Store dimension stack and world generation settings per world save
#4 opened by CD4017BE - 3
Options to add custom block layers and transitions into dimensions
#5 opened by CD4017BE - 1
Nether Portals enable relatively quick travel to the (horizontal) end of the world
#6 opened by CD4017BE - 0
Portals generated at the ceiling of a "top open" dimension causing problems
#7 opened by CD4017BE - 1
Adding support for Minecart Rails through portals
#8 opened by CD4017BE - 0
Hazards and obstacles for progression balancing
#9 opened by CD4017BE - 1
[Enhancement Request] Please consider Advanced Rocketry Integration
#10 opened by DVorriose - 4
Crash on entity colliding with portal block after upgrade from 0.0.5 to 0.1.3
#11 opened by CplPibald - 1
Minecraft doesn't open when optifine is installed (v1.12.2)
#12 opened by Josh74000 - 1
Wiki page not available
#13 opened by wormzjl - 2
Question: adding dimensions
#14 opened by Draemonaurious - 7
Breaks with Not Enough IDs and JEIDs
#15 opened by NihilEntropy - 2
Incompatibility with Metamorph/Changeling
#16 opened by inkdear - 2
[Feature Request] Config option to not mess with top of Nether
#18 opened by Zygus42 - 6
Think it's not working properly in 1.12.2 ???
#17 opened by Zygus42 - 4
Question: are portal blocks meant to actually portal you into the next dimension ?
#19 opened by Zygus42 - 1
How does one, find a portal?
#20 opened by A5TC - 2
Client crash activating interdimensional pipe
#21 opened by CplPibald - 2
Beign able to make CONSTANT config
#22 opened by Zack7292 - 3
Not able to remove Advent of Ascension "bedrock"
#23 opened by sumrex - 1
Crash with dynamic surroundings
#24 opened by Zeinoth - 1
Error on Loading Game
#25 opened by TheDarkBadger - 0
Option To Remove Button From World Screen
#26 opened by theshadowake - 3
No Way to Remove Bedrock in Extra Utilities 2 Deep Dark
#27 opened by hijackster99 - 1
Feature: Retroactive Worldgen for portals
#28 opened by Aevum11 - 0
Maximum character limit in block layers and block replacement prevents certain blocks from being used
#29 opened by TheQKnight - 1
Crash, Not sure how ...
#30 opened by jelaw21 - 7
Can't destroy transition portal on survival mode.
#31 opened by hasuu - 0
How can I make it work on a server?
#32 opened - 0
Minecraft Aether above Overworld Issue
#33 opened by Geezt435 - 2
Erebus have weird gap
#34 opened by Geezt435 - 0
Seamless dimension suggestion
#35 opened by Geezt435 - 2
Nether Dimensional Portal won't work
#36 opened by Lbphero - 0
Nether transition portal unbreakable?
#37 opened by Jossyan - 0
Aether stacking crashes SpongeForge
#38 opened by forresthopkinsa - 0
JED Non-respawnable dimensions don't act properly
#39 opened by TheQKnight - 0
Entities in Nether above Y:128 colliding with dimensional transportation blocks, crashing server.
#40 opened by jev217 - 0
Vanilla Entity Inventories treated inconsistantly when crossing Dimension border
#41 opened by whomself