Vertically Stacked Dimensions

Vertically Stacked Dimensions


Nether transition portal unbreakable?

Jossyan opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I have made dimensions stacked from overworld -> nether -> deep dark -> beneath, and I have come across a problem with the nether transition portal, all the other dimensions I can break the transition portal with just a diamond pickaxe except the nether, so I cannot break the floor portal to access the deep dark from the nether in survival.

I have not changed much config I restarted my config just to make sure I did not mess something up, but no matter what I do I cannot seem to be able to break the nether portal with a diamond pickaxe while all other dimensions works fine.

Minecraft 1.12.2
Other mods: extrautils2, the beneath, lost cities, twilight forest.