Victus - Custom Hearts

Victus - Custom Hearts


Victus is a mod about Hearts and how to use them in interesting ways. You may have seen one of the many "Minecraft but there are Custom Hearts" videos, and Victus is a gameplay-friendly implementation of precisely that concept. You craft custom hearts, the so called Heart Aspects which you can then apply on top of your health bar for interesting and often useful effects when they get broken.

Embark on your journey into the min-maxer's paradise as you experiment to slowly build the perfect health bar for your playstyle  

Among the aspects are: 

 The Archery Aspect, which fires arrows at your enemies 

 The Draconic Aspect, which summons Dragon's Breath

The Evoking Aspect, which spawns Vexes

The Totem Aspect, which works like a Totem of Undying

And many more!

For an in-depth explanation of Victus' mechanics and each individual aspect, seek out the Victus Journal, our fully featured in game guidebook. Please note that for this exact reason Patchouli is a required dependency


Join the Wisp Forest Discord if you have any questions, issues or other remarks - we'll be happy to help