Village And Structures

Village And Structures


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Minecraft Village And Structures is a mod that adds to the player building stuff like new blocks, new villages and more Structures. You can also build amazing structures using Diorite, Andesite and Granite Bricks and Tiles or get some shiny Glowstone Bricks or some Marble stuff. Acolors of Redstone Lamps in red, green, blue, yellow or purple .

and a cave mob named The Cavern Crawler.

This modification also has additional functional elements like the Honey Workshop where the Honey Villager produces honey related items and processes them or the Bank Workbench used by the Banker Villager, the mod Add 9 new paintings to your decoration options as well as Coconuts which grows on the Palm Trees that spawn in beaches and more will be in the future

Made With MCreator