[Forge 1.20.1] Incompatibility with other mods / forge:fruits tags empty error.
NovaLynxie opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Hi there!
I have noticed a strange bug which causes the recipe for Farmer's Delight fruit salad item to become uncraftable when both Delightful and Vintage Delight are introduced into the modpack simultaneously.
With just Farmer's Delight and Vintage Delight, this recipe works fine and looks like this:
But as soon as Delightful is introduced, which changes one of the items in this recipe the forge:fruits
tag becomes empty and fails to work correctly. I thought to bring it to your attention in case it is a problem on Vintage Delight's side since it only occurs if both Delightful and Vintage Delights are introduced into the same modpack.
I am unsure when this problem occurred, but it seems to be happening with any combination of either mods mentioned in 1.20.1.
Please can this be looked into?
Versions of Forge and Mods:
Forge 47.3.0 for Minecraft 1.20.1
Farmer's Delight 1.2.4
Delightful 0.1.6
This issue is caused by the tag "forge:fruits" referencing "forge:fruits/gearo_berry" while "forge:fruits/gearo_berry" does not exist. It does however exist in this repository, but the latest uploaded CurseForge file does not seem to reflect that (there is no subfolder in the jar file). Delightful is not a cause of this issue, it just replaces the fruit salad recipe which makes it apparent.