- 0
Chef Hat overlays my head
#7 opened by FrogThai - 0
[0.0.10] Fermentation Jar consumes Glass Bottles even when unneccessary
#2 opened by IdrisQe - 0
[0.0.10]Using tools with Silk Touch enchantment to destroy items produced by Golden Egg is abnormal
#5 opened by Nuttar2004 - 0
Harvesting Oat gives `Raw Oats` instead of `Oat`
#8 opened by evertn - 1
Botany Pots compatibility
#9 opened by pskfyi - 1
crash during startup
#11 opened by pibblepower - 0
New update busted JEI
#12 opened by FemBane - 0
Fermenting Jar Dupe Bug
#14 opened by DrNecrolich - 1
[Forge 1.20.1] Incompatibility with other mods / forge:fruits tags empty error.
#15 opened by NovaLynxie - 0
[Suggestion] Config option for disabling salt worldgen
#17 opened by ClockworkCorvus - 0
Seeds missing forge:seeds tag
#18 opened by aleck099 - 0
[Bug] Fermentation Jar consumes all inputs from 1 item stack when a recipe containing multiple of the same item is crafted
#19 opened by AveryAndCompany - 0
Fermenting recipe stopped working in 1.20.1 0.1.6
#20 opened by Barerock