Vintage Delight

Vintage Delight


Fermenting recipe stopped working in 1.20.1 0.1.6

Barerock opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I had made a datapack loaded through kubejs for this recipe:

{ "type": "vintagedelight:fermenting", "processingTime": 2400, "ingredients": [ {"item": "legendarysurvivaloverhaul:sun_fern"}, {"item": "legendarysurvivaloverhaul:sun_fern"}, {"item": "nethervinery:crimson_grape"}, {"tag": "forge:salt"} ], "output": { "count": 4, "item": "kubejs:pickled_sun_fern" } }
This is based entirely on kimchi, and matches the current kimchi file you have in data/recipes/fermenting. This recipe worked for a few months, but for whatever reason it can't now.