Visible Librarian Trades (Fabric)

Visible Librarian Trades (Fabric)


VLT is client-side mod that displays the nearest villager's book trade on lecterns. It is currently in beta version and should only be used when rolling for enchanted books on singleplayer or on private servers

The main purpose of this mod is to make rolling librarian trades easier, which is very useful when making trading halls.

 This mod requires the Fabric API

How does it work?

Villager trades are stored on the server, and only sent to the client when the player interacts with the villager. This mod interacts with all new librarians in range (so quickly that the player can't notice it) and remembers it's book trade. The name of the enchantment is then displayed on lecterns.
This process is a bit complex, which makes this mod currently unstable.

Upcoming changes

- Fixing known bugs

- Displaying togglable icons on the librarian