Virtual Motion Capture

Virtual Motion Capture


Virtual Motion Capture for Minecraft

This mod uses (and bundles) the JavaOSC library to implement a VMC layer in Minecraft so vtuber models can be manipulated via in-game actions and events.

This mod is made specifically for use with Inochi Session, but has been tested with VMC Protocol Monitor and should work universally.
The VMC protocol (and by extension: Open Sound Control) is used almost universally by vtubing applications - this mod should in principle be compatible with most standard vtubing software.


By default the mod will send data over (localhost, port 35940).
After the first launch, a config file will be created under config/vmc-mc.json. If you wish to change the IP or port (for example, if you use multiple PCs to stream/record) then change the IP and port as necessary in this file. The changes will be read on the next launch.
You may also change the port and IP via the mod's setting menu (available only if you have Mod Menu and Cloth Config).

Default Tracking

Almost all blendshapes sent by VMC-MC are bound to the range of 0 - 1. Some blendshapes are also boolean, only outputting 0 or 1, with no in-between.

By default, the mod sends the following tracking data:

  • time of in-game day
  • light level
    • block light
    • sky light
    • internal light
      • the actual visual light level that is used for spawn mechanics
  • weather (clear/rain/thunder)
  • health percentage
  • food percentage
  • air percentage
  • water height (uncapped value, experimentation recommended)
  • lava height (uncapped value, experimentation recommended)
  • experience levels (uncapped value)
  • sneaking (boolean)
  • sleeping (boolean)
  • alive/dead (boolean)
  • is wet (boolean)
  • on fire (boolean)
  • water submerged (boolean)
  • lava submerged (boolean)
  • crawling (boolean)
  • climbing (boolean)
  • blocking (boolean)
  • glowing (boolean)
  • frozen (boolean)
  • swimming (boolean)
  • sprinting (boolean)
  • riding living (boolean)
  • riding nonliving (boolean)
  • elytra flying (boolean)

Dependency Implementation and Addons

Adding VMC-MC To Your Workspace

If you want to use this mod as a dependency, it is available via

Add the following your your repositories (at the top of your build.gradle):

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Then add the following to your dependencies:

dependencies {
    modImplementation 'com.github.Provismet:VMC-MC:0.4.0'

Optionally, the tag may be replaced with $(project.vmcmc_version), where this value is defined in your

Extending VMC-MC

VMC-MC creates an entrypoint that other mods may use for easy extension.
Create a class that implements the VmcApi interface. Code within the onInitializeVMC() function will be called at the end of VMC-MC's setup. Use this function to register additional BlendShapes or VMC related client events.

In your fabric.mod.json add an entrypoint labeled vmc-mc to the entrypoints object, for example:

"entrypoints": {
	"client": [
    "vmc-mc": [

Use CaptureRegistry.registerBlendShape(...) and CaptureRegistry.registerBlendStore(...) to register additional outputs.
See CaptureRegistry.registerStandardEvents() for examples.