Void Config for Sky Miners

Void Config for Sky Miners


Adds data options for teleporting players to and from different dimensions when at specific Y levels!

Dimension Config:

There are no config files by default and running the mod without adding one wont change the game.

The example config for teleporting the player to the nether when at Y level -10 to 1:

    "from": "minecraft:overworld",
    "to": "minecraft:the_nether",
    "from_y_min": -10,
    "from_y_max": 1,
    "to_y": 121,
    "cloud_platform": true

This file can be named whatever as long as its a JSON in the mods config data folder (/data/simplystacked/config/)

Key Value Description
from String Dimension ID the player has to be in to trigger the teleport
to String Dimension ID the player will be teleported to
from_y_min Integer Minimum Y the player must be at to trigger the teleport
from_y_max Integer Maximum Y the player must be at to trigger the teleport
to_y Integer Y level the player will be teleported at
cloud_platform Boolean If a cloud platform should be generated beneath the teleport destination

Additional Info:

  • Clouds are blocks that can be spawned below the teleport destination to keep the player from falling back down. They will disappear over time.
  • Teleporting does not modify X and Z values, so nether distance per overworld block is not preserved.
  • Teleport cooldown can be changed in Common Config, by default its three seconds (60 ticks).