volcano deltas

volcano deltas


the volcano deltas mod adds a new surface and underground biome , a wastland empty and full with depression and nothingness , but don't think it's a safest palce for your home as staying in one spot for a long time may give you a bad time , duo to zoglin spawning in groups everywhere when you least expect it , but don't worry the new igneous rock gives you a speed boost that make travilling around volcano deltas fun and easier ! but if you are a jump boost fan , you can use your stonecutter or crafting table to turn the igneous rock into bricks that are both good decoration and jump boost provider , we are not done yet there is the new structers aside from volcano hearts and pool there is the small and big volcano that contain the ''hot lava'' lequid , by using a bucket you can use this hot source to make a lava armor while it's stronger then most armors , hot lava are a very rare lequid so don't get your hopes up 
anyway thank you all for donwloading or just viewing my mod , this is my first and i hope not the last 
and it's seems bad but i hope i make better in the future :)