


VoxEdit is an ingame World and NBT Editor. Example showing 3D rendering and tool menu

Main Features

  • Multiple tools to modify the world including:
    • Brush: Place/Remove Blocks
    • Fill: Replace connected Blocks of the same Type/matching filter
    • Smooth: Smooths out edges and corners (similar to old WE erode)
    • Flatten: Flattens target area by removing or adding blocks
    • Blend: Randomizes adjacent blocks, usefull for creating transitions
    • Place: Create any "feature" (Elements used during world generation, e.g. Trees, Cave Decoration. ...)
  • 3D visualisation of tool targets
  • Full GUI based tool settings (Press <menu> (default: V) to access)
  • Block Palette Editor
  • Undo/Redo functionality for all modifications
  • Quick Switch for selecting between multiple configured tools (Ctrl + <menu:V>)
  • Custom no clip/no physics movement when holding a VoxEdit tool
  • Ingame NBT Editor for Entities and Blocks

See Gallery for examples. Visit the Wiki (WIP) for more information.

Development Status

VoxEdit was mainly created for my own mapping needs due to missing alternatives for current Minecraft Versions. It is in very early development and functionalities might change drastically between versions. I would additionally recommend using Litematica for its schematic functionalities to complement the editing experience. The alpha release is to judge if interest for a mod like this exists.