Warhammer Fantasy Weapons

Warhammer Fantasy Weapons



A Vanilla+ mod that brings some weapons of the Warhammer Fantasy universe to Minecraft.

Currently this mod adds four(ish) new weapon types and a new material.

Weapon Types

War Hammer

The War Hammer is an extremely slow weapon that shares similar qualities to an Axe.  Unlike Axes though, it cannot break through Shields and can sweep like Swords do.  Takes any Sword enchantments.


The Rapier is much faster than a regular Sword, but deals significantly less damage.  Takes any Sword enchantments. 


The Halberd is very similar to the War Hammer, but can break through Shields and can't sweep.  It can also be used as an Axe if need be, but you'd be better off with an actual Axe for that purpose.  Takes any Axe enchantments.



In it's current state, the Sword-Breaker isn't a weapon.  The Sword-Breaker is used to block incoming attacks, much like a Shield.  It isn't affected by an Axe or Halberd's disable as much as Shields, but has significantly worse durability.  Takes any Shield enchantments.

New Material: Gromril


Gromril is a material used to make tools, weapons, armor, and shields.  It is a side-grade to Netherite.  Gromril items have higher durability than their Netherite counterparts, but share attack damage and mining speed attributes with Diamond.  Gromril also has far higher enchantability than any vanilla material, meaning that you will get much better output from an Enchanting Table.

Creation & crafting

First, you'll need to craft Nascent Alloy out of Gold and Iron

Imbue the alloy with Prismarine Shards and Blaze Powder in a crafting bench to create Raw Gromril.

Smelting Gromril in a Blast Furnace will yield a Gromril Ingot.

Before Crafting anything with Gromril, you'll need a Rune Hammer to allow the item to hold a spell.


Crafting Gromril Items will break the Rune Hammer.  The Rune Hammer can be repaired in a Smithing Table.

As of version 0.1.3 this mod now supports Alloy Forgery for the creation of Nascent Alloy and Gromril Ingots.  Better integration wip.

I do have future plans for this mod, but I am currently very new to mod development(and honestly Java in general), so it will likely be some time until I am able to fully realize my ideas.  I don't want to set any expectations, but here are some things that I would like to add in the future:

  • Guns:  Flintlock of course.  I don't think I will ever consider this mod out of beta until some kind of firearm is implemented.  These would all function similar to a Crossbow, with significantly longer reload speeds, higher damage, and faster projectiles.  I'd also like to implement some sort of special two handed/one handed system where rifles couldn't be fired if you have another weapon in your main/offhand slot while pistols could, but only with select "one handed" weapons.
  • Better Sword-Breakers:  In their current state, Sword-Breakers are literally just reskinned shields with lower durability and lower cooldown after being disabled.  I'd like to change that.  Some ideas I've had are as follows:  attack damage, only usable on melee, very shortly disabled on every attack blocked, and sword enchantments.  I could do all of these, or only a few.  Not sure yet, and I'd like to actually get any of these features working before I think about balance.
  • More unique method of acquiring Gromril:  While I don't hate the current system, I think it could be a lot more interesting.  I also have ideas for what I could do with this, but those are even more rough and aspirational, so I won't bother listing them here.
  • A config:  yeah.