Water Erosion

Water Erosion


Feature: Configurable Erosion Odds, Types, and overall Speed

13rac1 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Curseforge user Areolata provides an additional example of why this feature request is important:

I have been loving this mod but had to turn it off recently.
I decided to build a semi-automatic farm which I haven't done in my last two worlds. I discovered right away that the erosion mod destroyed it when built in the standard way. So I made the side channels into still water instead of the normal running water and I lowered the end channel by one block so it wasn't touching the dirt. However water coming out of the dispensers for a couple seconds still eats some of the dirt away. The erosion on dirt is way to quick.
My randomtickspeed is set to the standard 3.
What can I change to lengthen the time the dirt is degraded so I can still use this farm type?
FYI This is the build design I used for the farm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu18-3td7p0

See #13 as the better solution for this issue.


Published version Water Erosion 1.1.2 for Forge on 1.14.4 and 1.15.2. Adds water-erosion.toml configuration file to enable/disable Farmland erosion.

Lots more to do before I can close out this issue, but this is the single most requested feature.